Saturday, 30 July 2011

July's End

So its crunch time. The end of the month is here and this is what I've completed.

As you will know my challenge was three units this month, a unit of charriots:

A unit of Archers:

And a unit of Horse Archers:

And so onto the extras:
I've completed one of the Necroknights which I'm really pleased with and put together two others ready to paint. Here's the completed one:

I've also painted a skull catapult but this will need basing:

and started the bone giant Kelly gave me. This needs a fair bit of work on the base as well as finishing the giant himself but this is the current position:

And finally... Some rats:

These are some Dungeons and Dragons figures I've picked up from Otherworld Miminiatures and I'll post others as I do them.

So finally here's a full shot of everything I've done. Challenge complete:

So now to August. I'm still going to stick to a unit as a challenge and as I've started them it will be the necroknights. I've also agreed to paint some dwarves for Andy from the club and will include this in August's challenge, which will be to finish off his gunners. And, as you can see, I've got the giant to finish, as well as the skull catapult which I should be able to squeeze in. We'll just have to see.

So that's it until next week.

1 comment:

  1. excellent painting and lots of em... I hate you too.
